welcome to your new brain
We empower leaders and organisations to think and act with change in mind.
We offer personal training for individuals wanting to take their professional development to the next level. We use neuroscience to support individuals in executive and leadership roles.
Understand your current thinking and behaviour patterns. We offer psychometric assessments, written reports and 1:1 unpack sessions to help you map your current thinking patterns.
We create and facilitate bespoke programs for teams and organisations to facilitate change adaptability and drive organisational success. All of our programs are grounded in neuroscience.
Book us to speak at your next event. We have a range of topic areas that we can cover. We’ll work with you to find the right topic for your audience to make it an event you never forget.
We have clients all over the world who we cater to. Everything we do is completely scalable and can be offered in an online, digital setting. We regularly run webinars and online events.

Join Dr Ginny Monteiro at TEDx in Australia.
She explores the nature of trust and what it takes to recreate the connection, engagement and bond we share innately with others.
She shares her 2 month, 3000 kilometer solo cycling expedition across India, a journey of trust.

Contrary to common opinion, the adult brain is not hard-wired or unchangeable. Your brain is able to grow and transform itself for your entire lifetime.

We partner with future thinking leaders to help craft the neurobehavioural skills that are fundamental to thriving in the 21st Century workplace.
We partner with change managers and project managers to cultivate cognitively flexible and change adaptive teams and organisations.
We partner with HR directors and managers to shift organisational behaviour and propel their organisations towards success.
Behavioural Science
Change Frameworks
Learning Frameworks
Our team has reviewed the science discovered over years of experimental research. We have connected the dots between multiple disciplines, cognitive and social neuroscience, behavioural science, cognitive psychology, epidemiology, behavioural economics and related fields to uncover the mechanisms that drive our thinking (conscious and unconscious thoughts) and behaviours (actions and reactions).
We have distilled the research into a model that successfully shifts this scientific knowledge into practical, applicable, and actionable tools with measurable behavioural outcomes to embrace change: The Neurobehaviour Integrated Model.
Book your complimentary masterclass
Are you interested in what we do but unsure if you are ready to commit?
Book in a 60 minute masterclass with us. We’ll come to your organisation and deliver a complimentary session that we will create depending on your team’s needs.
No strings attached!
What happens when you rewire your brain?
Open your mind to opportunities
It pays to be curious. By questioning things you used to simply accept, you will force your mind to think and rewire the old links in novel ways. Your brain’s neurochemistry will change and your mind will, quite literally, expand by growing new neurons. Ask yourself, what is the one thing you can change right now to create the life of your dreams?
Increase your Intelligence
When you learn something new, you alter your brain chemistry. The changes in your brain help you improve your intelligence by making new links in the brain which then create new ways of thinking. Keep an open mind and pick up a book. Read one chapter and you will have already altered your brain for the better.
Find long term ‘true’ happiness
The benefit of neuroplasticity is that, no matter how difficult your life has been up until this moment, or how stressful your job has been, you are still able to reshape your thought patterns and behaviours in order to change your outlook for the better. You are the designer of your mind and the driver of your actions, not the other way round.
What People say about Us
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
- Albert Einstein
All of the work undertaken at Altitude Minds is in partnership with our sister organisation, Join For Change, a global not-for-profit organisation fighting against human trafficking, modern day slavery and child exploitation.
Applying our integrated behavioural change model, we are raising funds to create the first specialised leadership programs for female survivors of human trafficking, sexual exploitation and slavery. The money raised through the Altitude Minds workshops funds the projects undertaken by Join For Change.