Come cycle with us in October 2020!

Help us spread awareness about human trafficking.

Come cycle with us in India and help human trafficking victims rebuild their lives.

Human trafficking and slavery survivors need more than just rescuing. They need  help to regain confidence and build a better future. 

Find out how you can you can help human trafficking survivors. 

"During that time I saw 10 to 20 men a day. I did what he said because he got violent when I sassed him. I took all kinds of drugs - even though I didn’t really like most of them. Over the years I had pimps and customers who hit me, punched me, kicked me, beat me, slashed me with a razor. I had forced unprotected sex and got pregnant three times and had two abortions. Afterward, I was back out on the street again. I have so many scars all over my body and so many injuries and so many illnesses. I have hepatitis C and stomach and back pain and a lot of psychological issues. I tried to commit suicide several times."

Jayanti (India)

*The name and information have been modified to ensure the privacy and safety of the survivor.

Here's what you need to know about human trafficking and slavery:

The United Nations defines human trafficking as the recruitment of persons, by using violence or coercion, for the purpose of exploitation.

According to the World Health Organization, Labour-related trafficking occurs in a wide range of sectors, such as agriculture, fishing, manufacturing, mining, forestry, construction, domestic servitude, cleaning and hospitality services. Trafficked people may also be forced to work as beggars or soldiers, and women and children can be made to serve as ‘wives’.

An estimated 24.9 million people are trapped in modern-day slavery. Of these, 16 million (64%) were exploited for labor, 4.8 million (19%) were sexually exploited, and 4.1 million (17%) were exploited in state-imposed forced labor.                  

It can be closer to home than you think. According to the Australian Homeaffairs, 247 suspected victims of human trafficking and slavery were identified domestically by Australian authorities between 2004 and 2014.                             

Contrary to what you might think, human trafficking is still a cause for concern and it is one of the fastest growing crimes around the world.

Human trafficking has devastating effects on women's lives.

Survivors of abuse are often left to deal with the horrifying aftermath of the violence they have suffered.


Children and women are tormented by recurrent thoughts and memories of abuse of multiple victimisations


Children and women are develop strong feelings of self-hatred and guilt.


Most rescued survivors have lost touch with family and friends, and have no source of emotional support. They feel abandoned and alone.


Children and women blame themselves for trying to run away and are burdened by feelings of shame.


Children and women have incessant self-doubt and self-criticism for not fighting their abusers and have diminished self-trust which makes them feel stuck.

People who experience such a severe form of abuse suffer from debilitating low-self esteem, lack of self-love and self-compassion, delayed psychological development and chronic diseases.

Our Goals

Help trafficking survivors achieve their dreams and rebuild their lives.

Help survivors find a family and a support system.

Support survivors through their journey of healing.

Give survivors the tools so they can find their own voice.

Not sure how to help us?

Help us spread awareness about how human trafficking and exploitation happens around the world.

Donate and help survivors rebuild their lives.

Cycle with us and actively participate in survivors’ recovery from trauma.

Join us now and get moving!

Human Trafficking survivors are not getting the help that they need.

Rescuing a woman from Human Trafficking is not the end of the road, victims of trafficking require more than just basic care.

We give survivors guidance to restart their life journey by helping them:

Recover from trauma


Refuel a sense of belonging

Remove the veil of shame


What we do:

Our goal is to support women rebuild mindset and behaviours, so they can thrive and become leaders in society despite the traumas of the past.

Our mission is to develop the first leadership program specifically designed to support women who are freed from trafficking and abuse.

Our strategies:

Advocacy for:

  • special human trafficking survivor adoption program
  • special human trafficking victims foster program
  • government supported jobs program
  • government supported education assistance

Development of mentorship and education programs

  • scientific human trafficking survivor empowerment program
  • free NGO survivor empowerment program resource kit (Online and Face-to-Face Education Program for Human Trafficking NGO Staff)

Technology development

  • Mobile App to connect with other survivors (country specific- confidential and therapist supported)

You can help us create a support system for survivors of human trafficking.

Survivors of human trafficking
need your help.

Cycle with us and actively participate in survivors' recovery from trauma.

Participate in the only leadership program specifically designed to support women who have been freed from trafficking.

Help end human trafficking and slavery.

Become an active participant in a survivor's journey. Get updates and follow a survivors progress.

Join us now
rEGISTER yOUR iNTEREST To Bicycle India In October 2020!
